Case study Uganda, soya
– Seba Foods Malawi Ltd. and Export Trading (U) Limited from Uganda jointly took the initiative for the establishment of a soybean processing plant at Tororo in Eastern..
– Seba Foods Malawi Ltd. and Export Trading (U) Limited from Uganda jointly took the initiative for the establishment of a soybean processing plant at Tororo in Eastern..
– ESCO put forward a good field organisation and extension reaching 1,791 certified organic farmers by March 2005.The project provided direct benefits to the farmers; access..
- Premier Cashew Industries Ltd., based in Dar Es Salaam, approached EPOPA with the interest to explore the opportunity in exports of organic cashew. The project was identified..
– The outreach of the cotton sub-sector in West Africa is huge: in countries like Benin, Burkina and Mali it has encompassed over 750,000 households. In the past 20 years,..
- Ethiopia exported its first consignment of honey to the European Union (EU) in 2008 after a three year period of preparations towards attaining Third Country Listing status...
– The Nununa Federation brings together 4,000 women shea producers in Burkina Faso. Shea is traditionally collected and processed by women. In 2009, the Federation changed..
- SABMiller case. This project aims to empower farmers associations and the commercialize cassava production. As a result, strong farmer groups are expected to advise members..
– IFAD case. Uganda is a very poor country with a low per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP), a predominantly rural population, and high dependence on development..
- IFAD case. The project’s objective is to increase rural poor people’s food security and incomes by improving the structure and performance of the marketing system. It..
– IFAD case. The project is considered one of the better integrated developmental poverty reduction oriented projects in the land reclamation sector in the Arab Republic..