Seas of Change Initiative


Oxfam-Unilever ‘Project Sunrise’: enhancing livelihoods while strengthening supply chains

In 2010 Unilever joined forces with international development NGO Oxfam to explore how to build sustainable smallholder-based supply chains that could grow its business while..

February 10, 2015

Book: Is Inclusive Business for you?

This primer provides a collection and syntheses of 10 case studies across a wide range of commodities in East African countries. Each value chain is likely to be different in..

February 10, 2015

What are success factors for lead firms in inclusive business?

Many lead firms in food manufacturing and retailing are looking to open their supply chains to smallholder farmers. Lead firms are rarely, if ever, in a direct trading..

January 18, 2015

Interview: Paul Stanger, Heineken NV

In this video interview Heineken’s Global Innovation Manager Paul Stanger talks about Heinekens involvement with sourcing from smallholder farmers. Interview: Paul Stanger,..

November 5, 2014

PPPLab: action research and joint learning on public-private partnerships

The PPPLab is an action research and joint learning initiative to enhance the relevance, effectiveness and quality of Dutch supported public-private partnerships. The Centre for..

October 13, 2014

New Hazelnut Standard Contributes to Change in Sector

Hazelnuts and chocolate are a treat for children and adults alike.However both are crops ripe with sustainability challenges at the farm level. The two most prevalent are low..

September 18, 2014

Topical news

Inclusive business models
  • Oxfam-Unilever ‘Project Sunrise’: enhancing livelihoods while strengthening supply chains

  • Book: Is Inclusive Business for you?

  • What are success factors for lead firms in inclusive business?

Public Private Partnerships


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Coming Events

Sustainable Food Lab Summit
7-11 June 2015, The Netherlands
Register here:

Seas of Change Asia Event
September 2015, Vietnam
More info coming soon

How can we design performance monitoring efforts to enable us to learn from what works in smallholder supply chains?

Can we use data for adaptive management to increase inclusivity and deliver more development benefits to these communities? These questions are explored in the most recent revision of Towards a Shared Approach to Performance Measurement, linked above.

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  1. : "Well managed contract farming contributes to increased income producers & higher profitability sponsors"

  2. : RT : 4 New Partnership Priorities for International Nonprofits

  3. : Needed in landscape approaches: business thinking + PPPs. 2 cases from Indonesia and South Africa

  4. : Investing in sustainable value chains: and launch £79m fund for smallholder farmers

  5. : Project 'Sunrise': enhancing livelihoods while strengthening the supply chain: